Drinking alcohol in Gift City Permit will be given for two years, security guards will be deployed at drinking places.

Drinking alcohol in Gift City Permit will be given for two years, and security guards will be deployed at drinking places. Gift city alcohol News: After lifting the liquor ban from Gift City, now the Home Department of the Gujarat Government has issued rules regarding consumption and sale. It says the permit will be issued for two years. Currently, the fee for one year has been kept at Rs 1,000.

Even though permission to drink liquor has been given in Gift City located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, there will be strictness regarding its consumption and sale. Generally, only a person holding an authorized license will be able to consume liquor. Not only this, there will be CCTV surveillance in hotels, restaurants, and clubs that have obtained permission to serve liquor.

After permission to consume liquor in GIFT City, now SOP (Guidelines) has been issued by the Home Ministry of the Gujarat Government. It says that the minimum age for drinking alcohol in GIFT City should be 21 years. Apart from this, only those who have authorized permission to consume liquor in Gifty City will be able to consume liquor.

Drinking alcohol in Gift City Permit will be given for two years

Permit for two years:

Home Ministry has made it clear that the permit to consume liquor in GIFT City will be issued for two years. After two years, the permit will be renewed every year for Rs 1000. The temporary permit will be valid for one day only.

Those who obtain permission to consume liquor will be able to consume liquor only at the designated (Wine and Dine) place in GIFT City. The Home Ministry has made it clear that those who have a health permit to consume alcohol after a doctor’s consultation in the state and who generally obtain a tourist permit in Gujarat will not be able to drink alcohol in GIFT City.

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Liquor will be available in glasses.

The rules issued by the government state that FL-3 licenses will be issued to obtain the license to sell and serve liquor in GIFT City. For this license, one has to contact the Superintendent of Prohibition and Excise in Gandhinagar.

These institutions will have to maintain detailed records of liquor stock and keep the entire facility under CCTV surveillance. CCTV records will have to be maintained for three months. In the new instructions, it was made clear that the license to serve liquor cannot be transferred to anyone else.

Restaurants and club hotels wishing to serve alcohol will have to have a wine and dine area. Security staff will also have to be kept at this place. In this area, liquor can be consumed only in glass. According to the instructions, there will be a ban on carrying open or sealed bottles in the wine and dining area.

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