Gift City Riverfront project at an estimated cost of 64 crores

Gift City Riverfront project at an estimated cost of 64 crores:The riverfront project near Gift City in Gandhinagar, estimated to cost 64 crores, promises to enhance the city’s beauty significantly. However, recent incidents involving the collapse of barriers in various cities across the state have raised concerns, prompting the state government to adopt a more vigilant approach.

In line with the uncompromising stance on construction quality set by the Swarnim Complex 1, the Irrigation Department will initiate a third-party inspection, allocating a budget of 84.50 lakhs, to ensure the riverfront project’s construction meets the highest standards. This stringent approach aims to leave no room for subpar raw materials or workmanship in the development of the riverfront along the capital city’s riverside. Gift city riverfront project map, Gift city riverfront project latest news, Gift city riverfront project cost,

Gift City Riverfront project at an estimated cost of 64 crores

Gift City Riverfront project at an estimated cost of 64 crores

The utmost priority is to ensure the riverfront construction proceeds without any future mishaps. To guarantee this, the embankment process has been initiated before water is introduced to the area. Notably, due to certain contractors’ actions in the construction of Laliawadi, some high-ranking officials have faced suspensions, underlining the system’s commitment to maintaining project integrity.

In the case of the riverfront project associated with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious Gift City, it is evident that every employee is dedicated to adhering to the project’s conditions without any deviations. To further ensure the project’s quality, a third-party agency will be appointed by the system to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the entire riverfront work. In preparation for this, an initial budget of 54.50 lakhs has been allocated by the authorities.

The development along both banks of the Sabarmati River, stretching from Shahpur Bridge to PDPU Bridge, involves significant financial investments and is a testament to the commitment to realizing this transformative initiative.

The riverfront is being built in an area of nine km.

Gift City has become a focal point for multinational companies, both domestic and international, with the likes of International Banks and the Bullion Market setting up their offices in this strategic location. This not only elevates Gift City’s significance on the Indian map but also makes it a magnet for tourists and visitors, both domestic and foreign.

A nine-kilometer stretch along the banks of the Sabarmati River is poised for a transformation that will include the construction of walkways, well-paved roads, land preservation, and recreational areas. The riverfront development, spanning over four kilometers, is a collaborative effort involving multiple government departments, including Irrigation, Roads and Buildings, and Municipalities within its jurisdiction.

It is worth noting that stringent measures are being taken to ensure the quality and safety of this extensive project, thereby mitigating any potential mishaps in the future. This initiative aims not only to enhance the city’s economic landscape but also to provide a welcoming and attractive environment for all those who visit Gift City.

Erosion of ravines will be prevented by building a 4 meter wall

To combat ravine erosion effectively, a 4-meter wall is being erected as a primary construction measure. In this construction endeavor, a comprehensive approach is being adopted to safeguard against river gorge erosion. This approach entails the creation of a sturdy 30-meter subterranean foundation on both sides of the river, upon which a substantial retaining wall will be built. Simultaneously, the riverbed will be transformed into a multifunctional space, featuring landscaping, gardens, playgrounds, and a dedicated bicycle track.

Furthermore, to facilitate the flow of vast quantities of water into the riverbed, the implementation of an advanced civil engineering project is imperative. To ensure the integrity and transparency of all these projects, rigorous third-party inspections are being conducted, incurring significant expenses as part of a heightened vigilance effort.

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